»The Stairs That Do Not Care«


»The Stairs That Do Not Care«

offenes Atelier »The Stairs That Do Not Care« Columbus Ohio USA

GCAC international artist residency Dresden

Aufenthaltsstipendium Kunsthaus Raskolnikow e.V.
im Atelier des geh8 Kunstraum und Ateliers e.V.

Suite42 lädt Sie zu einer offenen Atelierausstellung ein. Es werden aktuelle Arbeiten gezeigt, die während eines Aufenthaltstipendiums im Rahmen des Künstleraustauschprogramms des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst in Dresden entstanden sind. Die Eröffnung findet am 24.07.2011 ab 16.00 Uhr in der geh8 statt. Ein Künstlergespräch beginnt um 17.00 Uhr.

Suite42 ist eine Kollaboration, die 2009 von Tarrah Krajnak und Danielle Julian-Norton gegründet wurde. Ihre performativen Projekte loten die Auseinandersetzung des Künstlers mit einem zeitgenössischen Kontext und den Prozess der Zusammenarbeit an sich aus. Ihre erfundenen Charaktere stammen aus der Geschichte der konzeptuellen Performance und dem Populärfilm. Das Duo versetzt diese Charaktere in absurde Erzählungen, die sich auf den Künstler bei der Arbeit beziehen, die Psychologie von Beziehungen und die Spannung zwischen Bedeutung und Bedeutungslosigkeit als zentrales Dilemma.

Suite42 invites you to an open studio exhibition of current work completed while in residence in Dresden Germany. The reception will be held Sunday, July 24 from 4-6pm in their Geh8 studio with a brief talk starting at 5pm.

Suite42 is a collaborative founded in 2009 by Tarrah Krajnak and Danielle Julian-Norton. Their collaborative performance based projects explore the struggle of the artist within a contemporary context and the process of collaboration itself. Their invented characters are mined from the history of conceptual performance art and popular film. They displace these characters within absurd narratives referencing the artist at work, the psychology of relationships, and the tension of meaning and meaninglessness as a central dilemma.

Danielle Julian Norton received a Masters of Fine Arts from the University of Notre Dame, and BFA from the Columbus College of Art and Design, where she is now faculty. Her experience includes: receiving the Ohio Arts Council Individual Creativity Grant, Headland Center for the Arts residency in San Francisco, Vermont Studio Center Residency in Johnstown Vermont, Bemis Center for Contemporary Art, group exhibitions at Midwest Museum of American Art, San Angelo Museum of Fine Art, Columbus Museum of Art, solo exhibitions at Cynthia Reeves New York, Cynthia Reeves projects NH, the Art Market in San Francisco, Spaces Gallery Cleveland, Weston Art Gallery Cincinnati, reviewed in the Boston Globe, Sculpture Magazine, and commissions such as EXPRESS clothing and the MTV Movie Awards in LA.

Tarrah Krajnak was born in Lima, Peru 1979. She received her MFA from the University of Notre Dame and has since held visiting teaching positions at Cornell University and the University of Vermont. She is currently an artist in residence at Geh8 in Dresden, Germany and in the fall of 2011 will be in residence at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts. Her work is driven by a wide range of theoretical concerns including photography’s connection to the archive and memory, as well as an interest in the body, gender, and feminist studies. Her work has been exhibited nationally including recent shows at the Art Market in San Francisco, Columbus Museum of Art, Firehouse Center, Center for Photography Woodstock, SF Camerawork, and the National Museum of Women in the Arts. She has received several grants including the Vermont Council for the Arts and Cornell Council for the Arts.